24 August 2011

3 Weeks, My Friends

In exactly 3 weeks and 2 days, I will be on a plane to London, England. After visiting Ashland to say farewell to friends and professors, I think it's finally dawned on me that I'm really leaving. It seems like time has flown by since I've been off of work - I guess days of reading and appointments and family will do that. I'm hoping to really make the most of the time I have left here to be with my family and attempt to make them believe that I know what I'm doing. This year will be an adventure and, though they may not understand it now, it will no doubt shape me as a human being and (hopefully) help determine what the rest of my life will look like.

In other news, I have an address (yay!) and classes (yay!) for next year.

I'll be living at Feilden 04B, Feilden House Westfield Way, London E1 4NP. I'm really looking forward to the whole own-bedroom-own-bathroom idea - after two years of sharing a room and community bathrooms, ANY change would be great.

Courses I'll be taking:
Representing London: The 18th Century
Thomas Hardy and the Victorian Modern
Writing and Vision in the Romantic Period
Gladstone and Ireland
Society and the State in Britain, 1450-1720

I'll also have a class on Ulysses or Milton or Blake - any of which would be awesome and challenging.

It's been a while since I've posted, but very little has been going on worth writing about. Don't worry - from now on, I'll be posting packing lists and nervousness and excitement until I leave. :)