16 March 2011


I have not yet posted about faith. This is overdue.

With all of the unfair, unpleasant things that seem to keep popping up in my life, I am continually reminded of God's provision for us. From my daily reading - I'm working through Leviticus right now - to church talks, to the kind words of beloved family members, to random emails from my mother, this truth is placed on my heart time and time again. I have been feeling crushed by circumstances beyond my control and He keeps reminding me that these circumstances are not beyond HIS control. It is the most comforting reality and gives greater strength than anything else I can dream of.

So thank you, Father, for watching out for me always- for encouraging me not to whine, but to push onwards towards the wonderful plans you have. The hope You give is truly priceless.

"'If you obey my decrees and my regulations, you will find life through them.'" - Lev. 18:5

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