19 June 2011

Funding London

This summer has been slipping away from me quickly and I'm grateful for that in some ways. However, I'm working a lot now and have little time to write and work on finding scholarships. There's not much out there and now it's crunch time.

Unfortunately, so many of the grants out there are for graduate students going abroad, not undergrads. So I'm getting creative. I'm writing an essay on Lincoln for a contest and submitting a few short stories to contests for various publications. I'm hesitant to get too set on winning anything for my work - especially my creative work. I'm not impressed by anything I've written yet and it's getting discouraging.

But I am comforted that God has a plan and it's a good one. I know that this year abroad is right - the hard road to get there is merely the hard prep work and will make me ever so grateful when I actually get there.

On a brighter note, I've acquired the Oxford Guide to Literary Britain and Ireland. It's probably the best purchase I've ever made.

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